7 Home Exercises To Keep Fit In Winter

No gym? No problem! Try these exercises at home to stay active this winter.



How: Stand with your feet about 15 inches apart. Then bend your knees and your lower body until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
Number: 12-15 repeats, three sets.
Why: Strengthens your calf muscle, burns calories and increases flexibility.



How: Start in plank position, with your hands about 15 inches apart. Then lower your body until your chest nearly touches ground.
Number: 12-15 repeats, three sets.
Why: Strengthens the upper body, core, and other muscles.



How: Hold a plank position for 30-60 seconds, engaging your core muscles and keeping your body straight.
Number: Three to five sets.
Why: Helps lose belly fat and assists in weight management.


Jumping Jacks

How: Stand with your feet together, then jump taking your feet apart, while raising your arms above your head.
Number: 30-60 seconds, three to five sets
Why: It exercises the full body. 


Chair Dips

How: Stand in front of a sturdy chair. Place your hands on its edge and lower your body by bending your elbows until your arms are bent at 90 degree angles (please see the pic).
Number: 12-15 repeats, three sets.
Why: It helps to correct your posture and strengthens your upper body muscles. 


7 Weight Loss Exercises

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