6 Ways To STOP Sitting For Long Hours

According to a study www.mayoclinic.com referred to, long sitting hours increases the risk of heart failure. Here are six effective strategies to reduce sedentary behaviour and improve your health.


Use A Sit-Stand Work Station

This allows you to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day.

Take Regular Breaks

Take a 10-15 minute break every hour, to stand up, do some chair stretches or move around.

Take a Walk During Lunch

After your lunch, take a walk outside. That way you get some fresh air and the exercise break you need.

Move During Breaks

While watching television, get up and move around. You will accumulate more rounds of physical activity throughout the day.

Use A Fitness Tracker

Wear a fitness tracker or pedometer to watch your physical activity levels. It's a great way to motivate you to walk more steps too.

Schedule Movement Time

Schedule time for bouts of activity into your daily planner. This will prioritise movement and reduce your sitting time.

7 Weight Loss Exercises

8 benefits of 10-minute walking after meals