6 Things To Get Rid Of Before 2025

Ready to start a fresh and joyful 2025? How can you simplify your life and ease your mind? How should you declutter your environs? Read on!


Plastic Bags

Avoid plastic bags this coming new year and switch to reusable bags to reduce waste and pollution. And get rid of your stash of saved plastic bags.


Old Toothbrushes

Focus on better oral health, replace your toothbrush starting January 1 and after that, every three months. Old brushes can harbour bacteria and may cause diseases.


Expired Products

Dispose of all expired or unused products like medicine, cosmetics or any food items prudently and quickly. Empty your fridge, food store cupboards, vanity shelves and medicine chest.



Unnecessary Furniture

Surround yourself with positive vibes and plenty of space. If there is any furniture which is broken or no longer fits your decor plan, consider selling or donating it.


Broken Electronics

Recycle or properly dispose of any non-working gadgets like phones, laptops, televisions, kitchen appliances or chargers.




Clothes and Shoes

Declutter your wardrobe. Donate excess clothes and shoes you no longer wear. 
