5 Reasons Why You Should Not Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Five reasons why you should make it the start to your day.


Boosts Metabolism

Having breakfast on time can keep your metabolism humming, helping your body burn calories throughout the day. Missing it can lead to a slower metabolism and weight gain.


Improves Concentration Powers

Breakfast powers your brain, giving the energy and nutrients needed that help with concentration and focus. No breakfast means decreased productivity, irritability, poor memory and cognitive skills.


Supports Weight Management

Regularly eating breakfast on time has been shown to help with weight management and maintaining your BMI level. Not having breakfast can lead to binge eating as you may end up eating unhealthy, packed snacks.


Maintains Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

This first meal of the day assists in regulating blood sugar levels, preventing fluctuation or being less energetic throughout the day. Lack of breakfast can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, which can be particularly problematic for people with diabetes or borderline diabetes.


Provides Essential Nutrients

Breakfast is an opportunity to consume fruits, fibres, cereals that give you essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that help support overall health and strengthen your bones. 
