This article was first published 10 years ago

5 tips to stay fit on a busy day!


January 27, 2015 12:39 IST

Did you know even the most successful people take out time to exercise? In fact that is what helps them be more successful? If they can take out time, so can you! There is a way which is simple and practical and all it takes is some planning and prioritising.

We will tell you how you can do the same and fit exercise into your busy schedule. Here are five tips to help you get more active without spending too much time or money.

Photograph: sean dreilinger/Wikimedia Commons

Start small

The number one reason why people's resolutions fail is because of unrealistic goal setting. Goal setting is a great way to get motivated. A better strategy is to start small and then work your way up.

Start with dedicating three minutes of your mornings with simple, equipment-free, cardio exercises at home like: jumping jack, spot jogging, scissor kick and air bike. This low impact cardio workout is an ideal starting point for beginners.

These exercises are great to get started as they promote cardio vascular health while causing minimal stress to the joints.

Plan ahead

Being consistent and achieving your goal takes planning. The more you plan, the easier it'll be to make exercising a true lifestyle change.

For example: end your day with thinking about the three exercises you will do first thing in the morning before you take a shower. Then set a target number of repetitions you are going to do per exercise.

This kind of simple planning will not only help you stay motivated but help clear your schedule to exercise for at least three minutes every day! You can then extend this planning to longer duration of exercise.

Repeat often so that it becomes a habit

Exercising regularly is difficult not because we are too busy but because we don't do it often. Therefore what you should focus on is doing it often so that it becomes habit.

An effective way to get started is target a three minute workout just before your shower.

Repeat this every single day.

Doing this everyday at the same time will help you develop a habit over a period of time. Latest research says that repeating an action for 66 days help you breakout from the old habit and acquire a new one.

Once you form this habit of exercising regularly it will be easier for you to get more exercise and hence get fitter over time.

Get friends and family to join you

Getting your friends and family exercise with you helps achieve accountability and positive reinforcement. Next time try catching up with your friends over a walk instead of a latte! If you can't manage to get your social group together then sign up for one of the apps that workout with you for company to help you be motivated! Get your own virtual personal trainer on your phone.

Have a plan B

Just in case on a day when you can't squeeze in those three minutes before the shower you should have alternatives to help you stay on the plan.

For example: go for a walk after all your meals, you can do the same exercises 15 minutes before your dinner or pack in some easy stretches just before bed to help you get a better night's sleep.

Now you know how to get started, so stop making excuses and get more active. Remember that is the only way you can lead a longer and a disease free life.

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