1. Do you still love your partner?
I am not sure
2. How often do you fight or argue with your partner?
Always, like many couples do
We never fight or argue; we are the perfect couple
We don't talk to each other
3. When either of you travels to another place or you do not see each other for a few days, do you miss each other?
We both miss each other
I do, s/he doesn't; S/he does, I don't
Not at all
4. Even if you don't say 'I love you' too often, do you or your partner notice and do little things for each other without expecting anything in return?
Yes, all the time
Not so often any more
We rarely do anything for each other
5. Would you give up on each other for someone else -- for example a conflict with a friend, ex or family member?
Not at all. Why should we give up for someone else?
Yes, definitely. If s/he doesn’t prioritise me I don’t want to be in the relationship.
I am not sure
6. Your partner orders an expensive home appliance/gadget he likes without checking with you. How do you react?
It's okay sometimes.
It's not okay. I will throw a tantrum
It doesn’t matter to me anymore
7. When was the last time you two went out together on a date or a holiday?
Much recently, not so long ago
Must be a few years ago
Sigh! It's still a dream!
8. Does your partner introduce you or take you out to meet his family members and/or friends?
Yes. I know most of his/her friends and family members
Sometimes. My partner is very selective, reserved.
9. Does your partner care for you and your needs and makes you feel safe?
Yes, all the time
I don't feel secure or stable with him/her
10. Do you think you could have had a better life and future with someone else?
We may have disagreements. But I am happy with my partner.
I do think of possibilities outside this relationship
I most certainly feel I deserve someone better
Congratulations! You are in a happy relationship.
You may fight, argue, disagree with your partner but you two also understand what it really takes to make a relationship work for long. So keep it up!
You have scored out of 100
You are slightly disappointed with your partner but all is not lost. There is hope!
Talk to your partner and find out how you both can work things together and bring the spark back in your lives.
All the best!
You have scored out of 100
Uh oh! You seem to be sailing in troubled waters.
Does your partner know how you feel about him/her?
Have you tried talking to a counsellor or relationship expert?
Maybe it’s time you both acknowledge the issues that are bothering you and do something about it. Good luck!
You have scored out of 100