
How to give constructive feedback to your boss


Most of us are always in a fix when it comes to providing our bosses feedback. What if the boss takes it as personal insult, what if s/he doesn't take it positively and starts finding faults about things we do, what if s/he transfers me? These are some of the questions that plague our minds when we think of giving feedback to our bosses. However before deciding not to provide feedback, we should also think of all the positives that might flow out from such an exercise. There are good chances that s/he may take your feedback positively if you provide it to her/him in a proper manner.


So what is the best way to give feedback? Sorry, there is no universally good way of giving feedback to your boss. It depends on her/his personality, her/his opinion of you, your communication skills and the point you are trying to make. When you are giving feedback to your boss, be a little tactful. It is a good idea to speak about a few positives done by her/him before putting the ugly in front of her/him. Also, make sure that whatever you put across in your feedback, is supported by sound logic or proof. Remember, when giving your boss an advice, do not sound like an alarmist, instead act like a friend and tell her/him ways to improve her/his behaviour. Show her/him the benefits that will accrue if s/he does what you say. There are good chances that s/he might follow your feedback.


Apart from these there are many other simple but effective methods of giving feedback to your boss. To know what these methods are and how you can get your boss to take your feedback positively, join us for a chat with our Career expert, Amit Bansal on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 between 2 pmand 3 pm IST. Do join in with your queries.



About Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a Career Counselor and trainer who heads PurpleLeap, an organisation that works with colleges to make students employment-ready. He is an MBA from XLRI, Jamshedpur after his engineering at PEC, Chandigarh. He has 10 years of work experience in companies like Asian Paints, Riverrun and Talisma.


(Due to circumstances beyond our control, date and time of chat may change)