So what's keeping your present relationship going? Take the poll below and let us know!
Lack of better prospects: 'I can't bag a real hottie so I make do!'
Compatibility, common interests: 'We both love reruns of Friends...'
Sex: 'We're hot in the sack together and that's what counts!'
Mutual respect: 'Honey, can I speak to you in private?'
Familial pressure: 'I want to leave, but my mom will create a fuss'
Loyalty: 'What underwear model? I refuse to look!'
Social life and standing: 'What will Mrs Gupta say?'
Guilt: 'I made a commitment...(sighhhh!)'
Health: 'I need the physical and emotional support'
Fear of loneliness: 'Single is spelt d-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-e-l-y a-l-o-n-e'
Good food: 'S/he's a nag, but a great cook too!'
Independence and personal space: 'S/he doesn't cling to me like a leech!'
Housing: 'I'd have left a long time ago if I had alternative accommodation'
Force of habit: 'We've had spaghetti on Sundays for five years now'
Money: 'You think I can afford a BMW and yearly trips to Paris on my own?'
Laziness: 'Who wants to rough it when someone's doing it all for me?'
Children: 'I want my kids to have both parents around'
Convenience: 'We don't get along well anymore, but why rock the boat?'
Too chicken to leave: 'S/he'll kill me if I end things!'
True love: 'We genuinely can't live without each other!'
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