Want to be an entrepreneur?
Do you already have a business idea that you think will change the world but don't know how and where to start with?
To be a successful entrepreneur requires more than just a brilliant idea.
Yuvnesh Modi, Rahul Kumar and Alok Kothari -- all from IIT Kharagpur -- who have co-authored The Game Changers: 20 extraordinary success stories of entrepreneurs from IIT Kharagpur will answer readers' queries and offer tips on what makes entrepreneurs successful in an online chat on Friday, February 3 between 3.30 pm and 4.30 pm.
Yuvnesh Modi and Rahul Kumar are 4th year undergraduate students at IIT-Kharagpur and Alok Kothari is an ex-alumnus of IIT Kharagpur.
(Due to circumstances beyond our control, date and time of chat may change)