So guys, which characteristic do YOU value most in a woman? Take the poll below and let us know!
Non-shopaholics only, please!
Miss Independent: Makes and spends her own money!
Homely housewife: 'I don't mind cooking and bringing up the kids'
Easy to please: Pass up the diamonds, flowers will do
Hotness personified: The perfect 10!
A compatible sense of humour: You joke, she laughs
Non-possessive: 'Sure you can go out with your friends'
Sexually compatible: She likes a romp in the sack as much as you
The non-gossiping type: She doesn't know the neighbour's cat just sneezed
Intelligence: She would know why a cat sneezes, though
Non-interfering: She doesn't rifle through your e-mail or your pockets
Feminity: She looks and acts like a lady and shaves her legs
Confidence: She doesn't bat an eyelid when you look at another woman
Diplomacy: She can handle your mother well!
The perfect hostess: She doesn't give your pals the look of death when they drop by
Non-nagging: 'I'm not going to tell you what to do'
A woman who accepts you for who you are without trying to change you or your lifestyle
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