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The Layoff Tales: 'Don't be ashamed of doing any kind of work'

March 5, 2009
We asked Get Ahead readers to send their layoff tales and we are getting mails from employees belonging to different sectors of the Indian economy.

In the 15th part of this series, Rajesh D'Silva tells us how he was fortunate enough to have started his own business when the going was good. After his recent layoff he is planning to diversify his own business.

Name: Rajesh D'Silva (name changed on request)
Age: 41
Company/Sector: Real estate/ Construction
Educational qualification: BCom, Management, Diploma in MM, IE
Work experience: 17 years


I was working in an export company and looking after procurement of their ship/ marine requirement and various other items. Due to good work experience I was handling various responsibilities independently. However I quit my job since there was no appreciation and promotion and because of the politics played by my boss and his demotivating attitude.

How I lost my job:

I joined a very reputed real estate construction company at a managerial level. But for various problems their project could not move ahead. They moved me to their Gujarat project. When they appointed a senior personnel for the Gujarat project they moved me to their HO in Mumbai. I worked for at least five months at each of these places. With the recent turmoil in real estate industry the management asked me to resign. I had no option as they had sacked at least 450 personnel working on their projects all over India.


I am the only earning member in my family. I had bought a flat a couple of years back for which I have to pay monthly instalments.

Now there is a little pleasant twist to my story. Luckily, I also have my own business, which I have been managing for the last two years. So someone correctly said in one of their layoff tales that you should have alternate mode of income. Now I have fulltime involvement in my business and am not looking to work for another company anymore. Rather I am in the process of diversifying my own business.

Lessons learnt:

  • Dear friends, don't get nervous if you have been sacked. This is a tough phase.
  • Think of online jobs available on the net. Please search the Internet. You will get hundreds of sites. Read their terms and conditions carefully and go ahead.
  • Don't be ashamed of doing any kind of work. Even doing something that is much below your capability will give you good practical experience. Be accommodating.
  • Be in touch with your friends and even relatives. Somebody will definitely help you find a job.
  • Don't loose your confidence. Read a lot.
  • Be healthy. Try to wake up early. Go for a morning walk if you aren't already. Do some kind of exercise, etc. This will rejuvenate you.

    Illustration: Dominic Xavier

    Do you have a layoff tale to tell?

    Have you lost your job? Do you know someone who has lost her/his job recently and is trying to come to terms with the situation?

    If you, your friends or relatives have a layoff story to tell, to inform readers about the lessons that you have learnt, please write to us at Your name and identity will not be disclosed unless you want it to.

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