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A treat for seafood lovers

The resort has a lovely open air seating area, situated on a rock jutting out, almost like a platform above the beach. We had our meals there, mainly seafood: Masala prawns, fried Bangra, all washed down with delicious Sol Kadi. Make sure you have an early dinner or the mosquitoes will have a fine feast off you, should you want to sit there after dark!

We spent three days in and around Harihareshwar, mostly on the beach, or on the hillside. What I will remember most is the full moon night, when we left the door wide open and dragged the bed close to the door. We slept with the moonlight bathing our tiny 'parachute-topped' tent, and the wind and sea breathing softly in our ear. The experience was truly unmatchable.

There are a lot of things to do in and around Harihareshwar. For the spiritual minded, there are a lot of temples one can visit. The most famous being the 16th century Harihareshwar temple, and the Kalbhairav and Yogeshwari temples. The beach is surrounded by four sacred hills: Harihareshwar, Harshinachal, Bramhadri and Pushpadri. The Harihareshwar temple draws a lot of pilgrims to the area. There are a number of hotels around the temples and one should look out for 'Khanavals' or eating places, where one can have simple, yet sumptuous meals.

Other places to visit are the Peshwa Smarak and Bankot Fort, also known as Himmatgad Fort.

Also see: The battle of the snakeboats
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