The CBSE Class X Science exam is on March 25. For most Class X students, this would be their last exam. After Mathematics, Science is considered the toughest. However, you can score very well in this exam, if you are well prepared.
TCYonline experts have selected some important topics for the readers of to be revised from the chapters given in the NCERT textbook, for preparation.
Day 1 and 2
Carbon and its compounds
~ Types of bonding in carbon
~ Saturated and Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
~ Properties of Alcohols
~ Properties of carboxylic Acids
~ Questions based on identifying compounds based on given properties
Metals and Non-metals
~ Differentiating metals and non-metals
~ Basic Metallurgic Processes
~ Metals showing anomalous behavior (eg the metal which is a liquid at room temperature)
~ Properties and Uses of metals along with reactions
~ Bonding in metals and non-metals
~ Images and their nature
~ Image formation in concave mirror
~ Understanding of focus, focal length, aperture etc.
~ Laws of refraction
~ Refractive index comparisons between media
~ Image formation in convex lens
Periodic classification of elements
~ Predicting position in periodic table based on properties
~ Predicting properties based on position in periodic table
~ Limitations of Mendeleev's table
~ How modern periodic table is improved upon Mendeleev's periodic table?
~ Breakthroughs achieved by Mendeleev's table
Day 3
~ Accommodation in eye with the help of eye lens
~ Problems in vision
- Causes with ray diagram
- Correction with ray diagram
- Causes with ray diagram
- Correction with ray diagram
~ Applications of
- Concave mirror
- Convex mirror
- Convex lens
- Concave lens
~ Causes of refraction and related effects
~ Numerical problems related to velocity of light and relative and absolute indices
~ Why do stars twinkle and why do they appear risen up?
~ What is the cause of dispersion and related atmospheric phenomenon?
~ What is scattering and related atmospheric phenomenon?
Our environment
~ Major environment problems along with their solutions
~ Ozone depletion
~ Bio-degradability of wastes and other pollutants.
Life Processes - 1
Basic concepts related to
- Nutrition in plants and animals.
- Respiration in plants and animals.
- Transportation in plants and animals.
- Excretion in plants and animals.
Control and Coordination
- Tropic movements related questions.
- Major plant hormones and their actions (voluntary, involuntary and reflex actions).
- Animal hormones
- Description of the nervous system with function of each part.
Day 4
Conservation and management of natural resources
- Coal and petroleum
- Chipko Andolan
- Forest and wild life
- Legal perspectives
Life Processes - 2
- Reproduction in plants and animals
- Methods of family planning
- Women and child health
Heredity and Evolution
- Meaning of heredity
- Basic concepts of evolution
Natural Resources
- Advantages and limitations of big dams
- Alternatives to big dams
- Water harvesting
Sources of Energy
- Fossil fuels
- Solar energy: Advantages and disadvantages
- Bio gas Energy: Advantages and disadvantages
- Wind Energy: Advantages and disadvantages
- Tidal Energy: Advantages and disadvantages
- Nuclear Energy: Advantages and disadvantages
- Renewable and non-renewable energy
Good luck!
The writer is an examination expert with Top Careers & You ( Visit for thousands of free tests on Class X Boards and NTSE.