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A fitness routine for when you're pregnant!

Part I: Fitness before planning a pregnancy
Part III: Get back in shape after having a baby!

April 24, 2008
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Now that baby's on the way, you need to keep yourself in top condition to house your baby and provide both of you with rich nourishment by eating the right kinds of foods.

Your gynaec will probably tell you to take it easy and not exercise during the first trimester. Different doctors have their individual opinions and since he/ she knows your medical history best, always go with what your doctor recommends.


As soon as your doc gives you the go-ahead, start off with medium-paced walks. Walk five to six days a week, for 15 minutes to start with and then gradually increase time till you are walking for 30 minutes. You are aiming to keep your stamina levels up and to allow circulation of blood and oxygen. The rhythmic movement is also enjoyed by your unborn baby, often lulling him/ her off to sleep.

At about 24 weeks, you can attend prenatal classes. For those who don't have access to a class or can't make time, I have outlined a workout to keep you fit, prepare you for childbirth and help you regain your figure post-delivery.

Check with your doctor before performing any of the exercises outlined in the following pages. If you feel any pain, don't go through with the exercise.

Brinda Sapat is head of the Group Exercise Department at Gold's Gym, Napean Sea Road, Mumbai. Certified with Training Zone & Progressive Fitness (USA), she has been a fitness instructor for over a decade.

(While the fitness routines described in this feature are created by a professional fitness trainer, does not make any representations about its suitability or reliability in connection with individual readers. It is best to consult one's gynaecologist and fitness trainer before proceeding.)

Text: Brinda Sapat
Illustrations: Uttam Ghosh
Also read: Fitness before planning your pregnancy

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