Inhale. Stand up straight. Exhale. Slowly squat, feet close to each other. Inhale. Pass the right hand around the right knee. Exhale. Pass your left hand behind your back, grasping your right hand. If that is not possible initially, just place them as suggested without overextending your hands.
Inhale. Exhaling, look over right shoulder. Breathe normally, holding the pose. You need to hold the pose only once, but learn to increase its duration.
After completing this sequence for the right side repeat the entire sequence for the left side.
Caution: Avoid in case of extreme lower backache. Those with neck problem can skip the head twist.
Suggestion: The hand position helps accentuate the squeeze. The full position may not be possible for everyone, but focus on placing hands so that the squeeze effect is felt.
Benefits: The squeeze effect on the abdominal region powers the entire pelvis region, preventing degeneration of the uro-genital system. It impacts the spine too. Improves breathing. Boosts metabolism, powering nutrient absorption.
Also read: Want to control your appetite? Exercise!