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Want to rid your bottom of fat?
Brinda Sapat
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November 21, 2006

Fat, for many, tends to get concentrated in certain regions of the body. And then there is a frantic search for an exercise that focuses on that specific area. Get Ahead reader Shruti, has a similar problem. In her case, fat accumulates in the hip region.

We sought fitness expert, Brinda Sapat's opinion on this. According to Brinda, there is no exercise that can burn fat from one particular region of the body. Fat burn occurs all over the body through cardiovascular exercises like walking, swimming and aerobics. She explains this and also illustrates suitable weight loss exercises for the region.

Shruti's profile

Name: Shruti

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Weight: 67 kg

Occupation: Student

Location: Lucknow

Case specifics: I have a major problem with my hips, as weight gets concentrated in that area.

Daily routine: I wake up by 7 am and have breakfast between 8 and 8.30 am. It's then time to attend my coaching class, which is held from 10-12 am. I have my lunch mostly between 1 and 2 pm and spend the afternoon either doing my coaching homework or sleeping for an hour or two. My next coaching class is from 6 to 8:30 pm. I have dinner by 9.30 pm. I sleep mostly after 11 pm.

My fitness goal: To lose at least 12 kg by the end of March

Brinda's verdict

Hi Shruti, I'm really happy to see you setting a realistic weight loss goal. A target of 12 kg weight loss by March is very good. Way to go!

Many teenagers tend to gain weight when they eat out, or eating while studying etc. The good part is, being a young body, losing weight is fairly easy for them. I hope other teenage readers will also benefit from this fitness profile.

The hip region is a very common area of complaint, which is another reason why I have picked your profile. Most Indian women have broad hips and tend to deposit fat around that area. Unfortunately, there is no exercise that can burn fat from one particular region of the body. Fat burn occurs all over the body through any cardiovascular exercise like walking, swimming or aerobics. Spot exercises help to tone the muscles that lie UNDER the fat deposit. So no amount of side leg raises will help "cut" the fat from the hip area. All you need to concentrate on for now is cardio.

Please show this fitness plan to your doctor before starting.


You have not mentioned what your meals consist of. So, I'm working with limited data. This is the plan:


  • A bowl of cereal with skimmed milk and one fruit/fruit juice


  • Wholegrain toast with tomato slices and/or egg (no yolk)


  • A fruit of your choice


  • Roti
  • Vegetables of your choice (cooked in olive oil)
  • Dal
  • Salad


  • Vegetable sandwich in wholegrain bread. No butter/cheese.

Evening Snack

  • A fruit of your choice


  • A handful of nuts


  • Soup and salad
  • Grilled fish/chicken OR lentils


  • One roti
  • Dal
  • Vegetables/salad
  • Fish/chicken


  • Drink at least eight glasses of water everyday.
  • Drink water before, during and after your exercise.


As of now, you have not been exercising at all. When you don't use your body enough, the calories tend to pile on and result in weight gain. Exercise is a must for everyone and the younger you start the better it is.


Start going for walks four days a week, for 30 minutes. Start off by walking at a medium pace for the first five minutes to warm up your body. This is very important so as to prevent any muscle injuries. Walk briskly for 20 minutes, feel your heart rate go up and then go back to a medium pace for the last five minutes, bringing your heart rate back to normal.

After two weeks, walk five days a week. In the second month, increase the walk time to 40 minutes. By the middle of the second month, walk six days a week.

Try a new exercise in the third month. Instead of walking six days a week, walk for just three days and jog/swim/cycle/go for an aerobics class the remaining three days. Maintain your brisk speed in these activities too and do them for at least a 40-minute duration.

You can climb stairs once a week. This is great for the hips!

When you exercise, concentrate and work hard. The more you focus on it, the more effective the exercise gets. Enjoy the activity. Take along a walkman or your dog if you have one. DON'T take a friend; the walking pace of two people is rarely the same.

Specific exercises for hips

Brinda illustrates three exercises that can help reduce weight on the backside. Follow them diligently according to the instructions.You will begin to see some changes in the middle of the second month.

Weight loss requires hard work and dedication. Don't be disappointed if you don't see the fat around your hips disappearing yet. The area where the most amount of fat is stored is the last area from where it leaves, but leave it will. So, keep at it.

After the three months, if you feel you still need to lose more weight, keep varying your exercises. The more variety you give your body, the better it responds.Good Luck!

Please Note

  • The suggested diet and exercise plans should be followed only after a doctor's consent.
  • Exercises recommended must be learnt by the reader from a fitness professional or from a reliable fitness website.
  • The fitness profiles have been created based on the information given by the reader. If the reader has missed out giving any important information, he/she should not follow the programme before checking with the writer and consulting with the doctor.
  • The writer will not be held responsible for any untoward incident.

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Vital statistics:


My fitness goal:



Working hours: 

Daily routine:

-- Brinda is head of the Group Exercise Department at Gold's Gym, Napean Sea Road, Mumbai. Certified with Training Zone & Progressive Fitness (USA), she has been a fitness instructor for the last nine and a half years. 

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