hole grains
What they do: These are full of vitamins of the B group; these vitamins are essential for normal skin functioning, growth of new cells to replace dead ones and to maintain the skin's strength against infections and stress.
Niacin in whole grains also helps skin cells to absorb nutrients from the blood and break them to release energy.
How to consume: Select breads, biscuits and pastas that mention 'whole grain' instead of just wheat flour in the ingredients.
Try to eat unpolished rice (brown rice). You could also add wheat bran (husk of wheat) to your chappatti dough.
Conditions it helps:
~ Peeling, cracked skin
~ Rough hands and feet.
~ Mouth ulcers, sore tongue, rawness at the angles of your mouth.
~ A disease called pellagra, where skin becomes dark, flaky and burnt.