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Chill with these cool summer drinks
Rohini Cardozo e Diniz
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April 27, 2006

Is the sweltering heat of summer tiring you out?

Then it's time to chill with these drinks that are both therapeutic and cooling.

Xarope de brind�o (sha-rop the brin-da-on)

In Goa [Images], we prepare a delicious squash using kokum fruit. This beverage is also available readymade in the market.

Kokum squash, apart from having cooling properties, is also a digestive, an anti-bilious agent (prevents belching) and an anti-allergic agent (in case of hives).

This recipe should help you make about three litres of squash. Make and store in your fridge.

Mango Panna

Mango Fol

This is my late grandmother's recipe.

Sip this on a hot humid day for a cooling effect.

Coconut water

Coconut water is the best summer cooler available at any roadside corner.

It contains lots of vitamins and minerals particularly potassium which helps lower blood pressure.

Ginger lime drink

Instead of having plain lime juice or lime juice with soda, try adding a teaspoon of ginger juice (grind ginger with water and strain) per glass for a refreshing ginger-lime beverage.

More summer drinks

Lassi, buttermilk (chhaas), jaljeera and commercially available herbal sherbets such as Rooh Afza should be preferred to aerated soft drinks, which only offers empty calories. Jaljeera works as a very good digestive.

To avoid dehydration

~ The scorching heat of the sun can leave us dehydrated; this poses a health risk if left untreated.

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A fluid based diet is the best way to combat heat. Drink plenty of water and other beverages mentioned below.

~ Avoid going out in the sun between 11 am and 3 pm, as the sun's rays are hottest during this time.

~ Drink a glass or two of water before stepping out of your house to avoid that parched feeling. Carry a bottle of water if going to be out for a long time.

Next: Diet dos 'n' don'ts for summer

Rohini Cardoso e Diniz is a consultant dietician with Naomi's Fitness Centre and manages a private practice in Goa.  

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