January 15, 2004 CAREERSWant to teach?Find out if you like teaching. Five career musts in 2005 Can you handle your boss? Five career donts in 2005 Become a smart manager Software pro in a BPO? LIVINGInterviews 101Prepare your child for school. How little is little? Fit to run a marathon? Eat well and run! The power of water Dont get hurt when you run! LEISUREFashion dosDesigners on style for women in 2005. Catch up on reading Fashion donts in 2005 Books to read in 2005 MONEYTax planning gyanYou can do it. Its easy! Soha: Take money risks! How to get a PAN card! Why your life is expensive! 2005: Unusual financial dos Marrying? Talk money! DONT MISS!Earlier Best of Get Ahead