Test your English language skills!


Last updated on: January 14, 2005 11:24 IST

What: The British Council invites registrations for the Key English Test (KET) and Preliminary English Test (PET) examinations.

The Internationally recognised KET and PET are designed by the University of Cambridge ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Examinations.

About KET and PET

~ They provide a comprehensive assessment of the candidate's overall language abilities covering all four-language skills, ie listening, reading, writing and speaking.

~ The qualifications are based on real life situations and give the candidate a detailed assessment of his strengths and weaknesses.

~ The examinations are linked to the levels of the Common European Framework established by the Council of Europe.

Important dates

~ The closing date for registrations is February 4.

~ The tests will be conducted on March 19.

Are you eligible?

~ You must have basic English language skills.

~ You could be a child, a student or a professional.

Benefits of the examinations

~ It provides you with comprehensive feedback about your English language skills.

~ It exposes you to international English language tests.

~ It is a stepping stone to the higher Cambridge main suite qualifications.

~ It improves your overall English language ability through positive learning experiences.

How to apply

~ Please refer to the KET and PET Handbooks and sample papers to choose the level appropriate for you.

~ Please visit www.CambridgeESOL.org to download the application form.

~ Please call the following offices to register.

Time: 10 am to 5 pm

Examinations Services
British Council
Nariman Point
Mumbai -- 400 021

Phone: (022) 2282 3560 ext 2

: mumbai.exams@in.britishcouncil.org


British Library, Ahmedabad

: (079) 2646 4693



British Library, Pune

: (020) 2565 4352



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