Ah! The lifeline of your social life. Here are some tips:
~ While catching a movie, try getting tickets for the matinee show. You can do without the balcony or dress circle; stalls in many theatres are fine. Also, tickets on the weekend are higher. However desperate you are, don't buy tickets in black. It's illegal, and it costs the earth!
~ Avoid drinks and snacks at theatres; they are exorbitantly priced. To help your cause, chomp on your favourite snacks before entering the theatre.
~ Target affordable theatres around your college to save up on travelling expenses. Try avoiding multiplexes -- they are prohibitively expensive and the snacks cost more too.
~ If you want to hit the nearest disco or pub, avoid stag entries and weekends. Choose night spots with a lower cover charge, even though it may not include certain freebies inside. Pay for what you order instead. It is much cheaper.
~ Snooker parlours and bowling alleys generally offer discounts for regular customers. Also, the happy hours range from to 2 pm to 5 pm.
~ If you are in a large group, hang out at popular coffee shops. You can get away with ordering just a few things and while away hours of your free time.
~ Better still, it may be cheaper to pool in, buy a few snacks and meet at someone's home.