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So what if your friends always want to eat out? You don't have to pay for them too.

Be smart. Go Dutch and pay just for yourself. Be smart.

~ Most of us fail to realise a square meal is never expensive. It is the added frills that hit the pocket hard. Try trimming down on the soda floats, colas, desserts and ice creams and you'll find your bill reduces by half.

~ Are you blowing up your money on pastries? Don't forget it's your craving for sugar, and not exotic desserts or ice creams, that make you splurge. Most times, a candy bar or even a sugar boiled sweet can easily rid you of your craving.

~ Now for those in-between meals. Try carrying any fruit you like, ideally an apple, with you. Make it a point to consume it around two hours after lunch. Voila, the sandwich and the chaat stalls have one less customer! It is also a healthy alternative!

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