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You are constantly looking for the magic formula that will help you get a well-toned body.
Simple changes to your daily diet could help pave the way for that flat tummy and lean figure.
Nutritionist Shraddha Sheth and fitness instructor Abhishekh Patil of Gold's Gym offered these tips to Get Ahead readers during a fitness chat on December 1: Before breakfast have one bowl of high fibre fruit: watermelon, muskmelon or pineapple.
During lunch, don't mix roti and rice; choose either. Avoid potatoes in vegetables. Don't miss a bowl of high fibre salad. Avoid rice for dinner.
After every meal, consume half a glass of hot water with half lime squeezed in. It detoxifies your body and reduces your fat percentage.
Shraddha is a certified nutritionist with a BSc in Life Sciences and a post-graduate degree in Food and Nutrition. Her profile as a dietician at Gold's involves planning diets for patients and treating different elements of weight management.
Abhishekh is a certified personal trainer from the International Sports Science Association, Santa Barbara, USA. He is a manager at Gold's Gym and has been in the field for five years.
For those of you who missed the chat, here is the transcript:
Abhishekh Patil: Hi there, Abhishekh from Gold's Gym here. All set to answer your questions. Shoot!
swati99: Hi , I have a big waist and abs....can you please tell me a solution for this .
Abhishekh Patil: Regular workouts and walking on alternative days of the week, combined with a low-calorie diet, will help.
raakesh: hi i am 70 kg with just 5'3 as my height how could i reduce
Shraddha: Hi, this is Shraddha here. I will share a few health tips with you all. Dear Raakesh, according to your height, you need to lose six kilogrammes. You can lose weight with the right eating pattern and a workout schedule at least four to five times a week.
fitness: Hi , I would like to know the best food for iron deficiency in the body.
Shraddha: The best food to counter iron deficiency are beetroot, green leafy vegetables like spinach, coriander, etc.
forrdb: Would like to know if using weights can develop a women's muscles. I had joined a gym where after excercising for a month I saw my shoulders go broad and my upper arms develop. Can you pls tell me the right way to excercise with weights, more specifically dumb bells. Also I have a loose body and would want to have it tightened up by doing exercises. Pls help me.
Abhishekh Patil: No, women cannot develop muscles because they don't have the necessary hormones which a male has. But they can definitely cut down the percentage fat. That's how they look more lean.
pandit: I am a 6 feet tall person, and by 2003 September I was only 68kg. But today I am nearly 92kg. My food habit is normal, but I use to drink twice a week, also I am a software engg, where I used to sit for a long time, with less physical work. Nowadays I got worried abt my body. I thought of reducing it at least to 80 or 75, can u plz give me some suggestions to reduce my beer belly.
Shraddha: You should at least have five meals a day ie breakfast, lunch, dinner and two mid-meals (black coffee, black tea or fruits). Cut down on hard drinks or alcohol to having it once a week (not beyond 120 ml).
Abhishekh Patil: It is not necessary because weight training is not a high impact activity, but you have to wear it for running/ sprinting.
ruchittt: Dear Shraddha and Abhishek, I wanted to know, How do u define FITNESS? is it just muscles and curves or feeling comfortable with ur body?
Abhishekh Patil: Fitness can be defined in many ways. One way of looking at it could be a combination of flexibility, core stability, stamina and strength.
pankaj_kumar: Hi I am 5"11 inches with 80 kg i want to lose can u plz suggest some diet plan
Shraddha: Dear Pankaj, it is important to have three main meals every day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. To lose weight, your daily diet must comprise lots of fibre. You should have 10 to 15 glasses of water. Have an early dinner by 8 pm. You should also make sure to spend some of your energy through walks and/ or exercises at a gym.
raji: I want to lose nearly 20 kgs as I am an osteroarithritic. Kindly suggest me a 1000 calories south indian diet.
Shraddha: Dear Raji, can I please get your height and weight?
amitssaran: I am 5"5 inches with 73.6 Kg i want to lose weight, i am a software professional and my work is chair work i have to be in seat for around 9-10 hrs daily how can i loose weight
Abhishekh Patil: You need to check your diet, minimum 45 minutes of walking/ sprinting everyday will help. Try and join any local gym.
ruchittt: How to measure fitness...... how can we know whether we are fit enough or not?is there any measurement?
Abhishekh Patil: There are various tests done to measure fitness ie core stability test, fit test, blow test, percentage fat test and strength test. Check out if your nearby gym provides these facilities.
prajkta: hi im 5'9'' 64kgs. but last 3 months have put on weight and increased by 4 kgs to 68k gs. my marriage is in 2 mnoths odwn the line.. can you suggest some diet or exercises to reduce on my thighs and tummy.. or alwayz i have been.. in proper shape for years..thanks in advance
Shraddha: Hi Prajkta, do you exercise regularly and follow a particular diet pattern?
pankaj_kumar: Can u tell what one can eat in mid meal, i want to loose around 5 kgs.is dhokla, idli, popcorn fatty.
Shraddha: Dear Pankaj, mid-meals should consist of roasted channa, fruits, fruit extracts or a protein shake. Dhokla and idli can be taken for breakfast and not for mid-meals because mid-meals should be almost without calories. That will lead to weight loss.
sreenivas: hi i am 5'8'' 74kgs. Is my weight proper? Do u suggest weight training to increase muscles to me or simple jogging kind of exercises? Could you please give me ideal weight and ideal schedule for exercises?
Shraddha: Dear Sreenivas, according to your height, you need to lose four to five kilogrammes and Abhishekh will give you more advice on your exercise schedule.
atheeqshaik: siriam 5 7.5 in heichtand i want to increase my higth and my age is 20 onlybut i have stareyed doing gymbut not regularlysend me the dos of my increasing in heigthsir i want to be atleast 6ratleast5.9,10plssir iwill be grateful if u help me put in thisnothing more
Abhishekh Patil: Height is totally genetic. Weight training will definitely help you to a certain extent because muscles are connected to the bones and, if the muscles are stronger, so are the bones. Also, look at your calcium intake.
prajkta: well sharaadha.. few days back by i have sarted gonig for aerobics.. in evenings. my diet includes light breakfast(upma/poha or idli sambhar) then 2 chappati 2 sabjis + lil rice for lunch same for dinner and evening bit snacks.
Shraddha: Dear Prajkta, some diet tips for you. Before breakfast, have one bowl of high fibre fruit ie watermelon, muskmelon or pineapple. During lunch, don't mix roti and rice. It has to be either of it. Avoid potatoes in vegetables. You must not miss a bowl of high fibre salad. You should avoid rice for dinner. After every meal, consume half a glass of hot water into which half a lime has been squeezed in. It detoxifies your body and cuts your fat percentage.
anand: i am 5'7" tall, and my weight is 85kgs, i hv lot of loose muscles...i want have my muscles fit and tight...and also parallely want to reduce weight too....please advise me some good exercises to practice in the gym...thanx in advance
Abhishekh Patil: Those are not loose muscles but fat, and fat cannot be converted to muscles. You need to do regular weight training. This will help you to tone up and tighten your muscles. Weight training also helps you lose weight.
umasankar: im 5'7" tall, and my weight is 75kgs. is this combination ok or shud i reduce weight
Shraddha: You need to lose three kilogrammes and need to cut down on fat percentage and inches.
saurabh: my height is 5'5 & weight is 58 . please tell me am i underweight
Shraddha: Dear Saurabh, may I know how old are you? Anyway, given your height and weight ratio, you need to gain three kilogrammes and must look bulkier.
Raja: im 5'6 and weight is 72. whether its ok
Shraddha: Dear Raja, you need to lose five to six kilogrammes and need a tone-up.
Preeti: Hi !!!!!!!!!! I am 5'3" , 26 yrs. My problem is that due to some period problem i gained weight. Now my period problem is OK. But my tummy is bulky.I ahve tried everything, exercise, jim, massage, they dilute fat but again t comes, i even try to avoid junk foods. what to do
Abhishekh Patil: You need to consult a doctor and check if you have a thyroid problem. If you don't, then you need regular weight training which may include circuit training and high intensity weight training.
Amar: How can i loose my weight
Shraddha: Dear Amar, you will lose weight by following a proper eating pattern and a regular exercise routine. Can you tell me your height and weight?
ramakrishnaudupa: hi , i am 6.5 tall and weigh95. I am 30 used to play active cricket .I want to reduce the flab.What do u suggest.Can i jog n cement surface.
Abhishekh Patil: Running on a cement surface will injure your knee in the long run. If you have a gym in the vicinity, go for it.
prajkta: thanks Shraddha so u advice to avoid rice completely? what about non-veg food like fish and chicken.. and any thing else for glowing skin for marriage.. thanks for ur replies
Shraddha: Dear Prajkta, it is fine to have white meat for dinner as it is high in protein and low in fat. To get that glowing skin, have lot of water and take high fibre fruits.
kiran: hi i am kiran . is it tru that you become more flabby , if you stop weight training after you have been traning with weights for some time ?
Abhishekh Patil: No, you don't. You have to maintain or control your diet. Diet doesn't mean you stop eating; it means you have to start following the right eating habits.
Vinod: what is the best way to reduce tummy.
Abhishekh Patil: Right eating habits, regular exercises which includes weight training and cardio training is a must.
Seema: Hi Abhishek. I am 5'2" and weigh 56 kgs. I have a tendency to increase and lose weight within a very short span of time. I have weighed as low as 42 kgs in the beginning of this year. I have consulted doctors and everything seems normal. What do you think the reason could be? Also I have a tendency to put on weight in the tummy region. Overall, people say I am just correct. What is your opinion? How can I lose weight in the tummy region. i live in Singapore and gyms are expensive and dont fit into my budget.
Abhishekh Patil: It's only a one time investment. Buy a good treadmill and regularly run on the treadmill for 45 minutes a day. This will not only help you lose weight but increase your lung capacity and make your heart more efficient.
latha: actually i've broad thighs...pls suggest me to reduce them and have a nice ones
Abhishekh Patil: Regular weight training for your leg workouts will help you to reduce.
Tmorrow: The transcript continues...
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