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Pharma firm is looking for executives
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August 05, 2005

What: Merck Limited India is recruiting executives for its Quality Assurance, Pharma Research and Development and Regulatory Affairs departments. 

Do you qualify?

Merck Limited India says:

Knowledge of operating computers (MS Office, Lotus Notes, Internet) is essential for all positions.

For Executive -- Quality Assurance

~ You must have an M Pharm/ B Pharm degree. 

~ You must be less than 30 years old.

~ You must have between two to five years of experience in the following:

~ The job involves monitoring and assuring of controls of QC and QA functions at the location, as per the statutory requirement and Merck Quality Assurance guidelines.

~ These positions are based in Mumbai and at the contract manufacturing centre at Kolkata.

For Executive -- Regulatory Affairs

~ You must have an M Pharm/ B Pharm degree. 

~ You must be less than 30 old.

~ You must have between two to five years of experience in regulatory affairs.

~ You must have exposure in various analytical techniques and documentation.

~ These positions are based at Nerul in Navi Mumbai.

For Executive -- Pharma R&D

~ You could have a M Pharm degree in Pharmaceutics.

~ You could also have a B Pharm degree.

~ You must be less than 30 years old.

~ You must have at least five years of research experience in the following:

~ Exposure to packaging development/ modern analytical techniques will be an advantage.

~ The job profile involves travelling for launches of products and technology transfer.

~ If you are a fresher, you could apply for the position of management trainee.

~ These positions are based at Nerul in Navi Mumbai.

For Executive -- Analytical Method Development

~ You must have an M Pharm, MSc or B Pharm degree. 

~ You must be less than 30 old.

~ You must have between two to seven years of experience in the following:

~ These positions are based at Nerul in Navi Mumbai.

How to apply

~ You could post your application.

GM -- Quality Assurance and R&D
Merck Limited
Plot no D-116
Thane-Belapur Road
Navi Mumbai -- 400 706

~ You could also e-mail your application.


Your application must reach by August 13.

Web site:

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