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Thalaivar on a sticky wicket

Arya, another resident, joined in. "I have high regard for Thalaivar, but is it right to draw a salary and sit at home? He didn't go to the Assembly even once. Is that right?"

Indra spoke again. "There are taps in our homes and a water tank on the terrace, but no water. Now, we have huge water tanks on the street that are filled by tankers. After a long, long time, we get enough water. I am ashamed to say it was done by the other party."

All the while, quite a few men from the uniformed cadres were standing by, listening to what the women were saying. Gowri pointed to them and said, "Even these people drank water from the tank a few hours ago -- the water provided by our Amma." The men withdrew without a word.

Also See: Pollscape: rediff's election blog

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