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So is harping about the dynasty the solution?
There is nothing to harp about. The dynasty is delivering results. I can assure you that Rahul Gandhi will sweep Amethi and Sonia Gandhi will sweep Rae Bareli. So that answers your question really.

I think dynastic politics is not really an issue. Firstly you can't only say the Congress is doing dynasty. Dynastic politics is in every party, every country also. The BJP has its share of dynastic politics. And dynastic politics goes up to the Bushes and Clintons and Kennedys in the US, to several examples in Asia.

I don't think dynastic politics is an issue as long as it is in a democracy.

Across the country in general, and in your constituency in particular, low voter turnout has always been a problem. How do you plan to counter that?
South Mumbai saw 44 percent turnout in the 1999 election, lower than the national average. In the municipal elections two years ago it was 43 percent. In areas like Napean Sea Road, dominated by high-rises and the affluent sections, it is 10 percent. I think it is a problem. They are the educated class, they need to understand they have to vote. They must understand that when they criticise politicians and politics they get one chance every five years to make a difference. And if on that day they don't vote I think it is a big problem.

Are you altering your campaign in any way to appeal to the apathetic voter?
I am not comparing myself but we are definitely making an attempt to tell these people that here's a candidate who as much as he represents the weaker sections of South Mumbai also represents this group. We are definitely going to be educating that group. For them the issues are far different from what they are for other people. Other people have day-to-day problems, they live by the day almost. But these people don't have that problem, they want to see Mumbai become world class. And that's where I am presenting a vision, an alternative vision to them.

Will you be doing anything different to get across to the collegian voters?
A lot of young people have contacted me after my candidature was announced, they said they have always looked at politics in a negative light but after they saw a 27 year old being nominated they decided to change their view, and get involved. I am seeing a lot of that positive feedback and positive response.

Vegetarians seem to have become quite militant in your constituency, actually forcing non-vegetarian eateries to shut shop etc. What is your take on it?
If a large number of people in a particular area are vegetarians there is no harm in maintaining it as long as it does not affect someone else. I mean, there is no harm so long as you build a consensus. Then I have no problem with it.

Also see: Meet The Challenger

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