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So India is shining?

Yes, India has started to shine.

Do you admire any politician?

I admire politicians who have guts to do things. My favourites would be [former finance ministers] Manmohan Singh and P Chidambaram. These two are responsible for opening up our economy. Politicians generally look at only the next five years but we need people who can look into the future. If a country like Malaysia can be so prosperous, so can we.

Personally, I feel we should allow our President to rule us for the next few years. We have one of the best Presidents now, a visionary. I think if India comes under his rule, we will reach greater heights.

What is your message to young readers?

Please go and vote. Don't take voting lightly. By voting, you are deciding not only your future, but everybody else's. If you have difficulty in getting your voter ID card, if necessary, go and scream at the officials, but get it and vote. Every Indian should vote.

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Celebrity Speak

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