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Do you feel India is shining?

Of course, India is shining. You look at any field, India is shining. For example, there is more employment.

Do you feel proud to be an Indian?

Yes, I do. I am one of those people who do not want to go abroad. I want to stay in India, live here and enjoy my life here.

What message do you have for youngsters?

You should know and learn more about politics because you have to be careful about who you are going to vote for. Do all the research about the candidates on who they are and what they are doing because they are going to govern our nation. Then, follow your heart and mind.

Don't expect the politicians to do 100% or even 90% of the work. Politicians can do 40% of the work while 60% of the work should come from the people of India. So, the next time you feel your street is dirty, why don't you, with your friend clean it and plant a few trees? In no time, the place will look good. It is very contagious, you know. Your street will inspire others to do the same work, which will inspire the next person, and so on. Soon, India will be perfect.


Celebrity Speak

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