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Vijayalakshmi with her sister Meenakshi

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Do you feel more youngsters should enter politics?

It all depends on their interest, I feel. For that matter, you should do what you are interested in.

Maybe the scene will be much more enthusiastic with youngsters around. But they should be well advised. Otherwise it will spell disaster. Ours is a huge country, so everything has to be done very precisely. Just enthusiasm alone will not work, you need experience to handle various situations.

Have you voted before?
Honestly speaking, I have not voted yet. That was because I was out of Chennai or out of the country most of the time.

Will you vote this year?

Definitely! If I am here, I will vote.

What is your message to the youngsters in India?

We can do what we want to if we put our mind to it. We should do what we want to do.

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