Do you admire any politician?
Frankly, I don't think of politicians much. But I think [Prime Minister Atal Bihari] Vajpayee has done some good work. It looks like he is sincere.
Is India shining?
Yes, it looks like that. See, we have been noticed internationally. That is an improvement. I feel that a great deal of this is due to the government. The government must have had a major role in the development of the country.
What kind of changes do you want in India?
Probably we can concentrate on the neatness of the country. Our roads can be much more neat, broad and clean. This will give a better atmosphere. I think that is one thing where we can really improve ourselves. Basic infrastructure can be given more importance. Of course, now you have the golden quadrilateral coming up.
I have noticed that the European countries I have travelled to play chess in are much neater and cleaner. Cleaner environs in turn will result in a cleaner mind too.