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Progress in World Cup money dispute: Dalmiya

February 19, 2004 21:54 IST

Board of Control for Cricket in India president Jagmohan Dalmiya says progress has been made in India's efforts to get its World Cup guarantee money released from the International Cricket Council.

"There has been progress but I would not like to say anything more on it," he said shortly before leaving for Kolkatta after three days of hectic meetings with officials and staff of the ICC in London.

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According to an ICC spokesman, there was no scheduled meeting of the ICC contracts sub-committee in London, "but we continue to hold discussions to resolve the issue".

The ICC has withheld 6.5 million dollars from India's share pending resolution of the cricketers' contracts dispute with World Cup sponsors.

The BCCI has said the ground for holding back India's share of World Cup profits is frivolous, as were claims of damage by the World Cup marketing agents, Global Cricket Corporation and World Sports Nimbus.

While the GCC-WSN have reportedly claimed damages worth 47.34 million dollars, the BCCI has said that GCC-WSN had been able to sell 97-98 per cent of television slots.

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