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Mowing and verti-cutting
May 12, 2003

The importance of mowing frequently and regularly year round needs to be emphasised.
All areas planted with vigorously growing hybrid Bermuda will benefit from regular verti-cutting (Appendix 8), to slow the development of thatch and to keep it fine.
Outfields could benefit from verti-cutting, although frequent mowing and regular enough scarifying (Appendix 8) is most improtant.
All cricket outfields should be mowed no less frequently than every second day year round. All outfields should be freshly mown overnight or before play for every day of cricket played.
Leading up to a important international event all outfields should be mown twice per day for at least 5 days before the match.
Cricket squares shall be mowed every day where possible (Appendix 7).
The hybrid Bermuda on cricket squares grows vigorously, and will need scarifying or hand raking a number of times per year.
The cricket square should be verti-cut as frequently as possible, at 1-4 weekly intervals.
The outfield should be scarified between 2 and 4 times per year. Hybrid Bermuda outfields will require more sarifying than others.
If resources allow verti-cutting of the outfield, then schedule this operation every four weeks. Very few grounds verti-cut the outfield at all. Some may verti-cut the outfield at weekly intervals for al few weeks leading up to an international match.
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