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Amount of cricket played on a ground
May 12, 2003

Many grounds play over 200 or 250 days of cricket per year. Associations need to realise that the quality of cricket played affects the quality of pitches produced. Where best playing quality is desired, a fresh pitch with an uninterrupted preparation period of at least 6 days beforehand is required.
Associations are urged to prioritise cricket play so that international, Zone and State representative play is given priority using fresh central strips. These matches should have at least six uninterrupted days of preparation beforehand.
Lower grade and age group matches can still be played if time permits, but quality pitches cannot be expected where inadequate preparation time is allowed. The BCCI goal of more 'sporting pitches' is unlikely to be met where extremely heavy use does not allow time for proper preparation, and where multiple re-use of pitches takes place.
The soils likely to give the best performance as a sporting wicket, may perform poorly if given inadequate preparation an multiple re-use. It is possible that soils which are easy to manage where multiple re-use takes place, may have the least potential to produce sporting wickets.
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