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Vidarbha Cricket Association Stadium, Nagpur
May 12, 2003

Vidarbha Cricket Association
Date of inspection: 16 September 2002
Present: Shashenk Manohar (President VCA)
Prakesh Dixit (Joint Secretary VCA)
Chitaley (Hon Secretary)
Satish Shilpakar (MC member VCA)
Raju Nayer (PRO)
Kishore Pradhan (Curator)
Vijay Amrite
Kasturi Rangan (BCCI - Chairman of Pitches and Grounds)
Anand Shukla (BCCI - Pitches and Grounds - Central)
Bill Walmsley (NZ Sports Turf Institute)
Present condition of ground
The VCA are to be commended on the excellent work done reconstructing the block and outfield. The block has been constructed using a 4:1 mix of black to red soil. There is a uniform 1 in 200 (750mm) fall from the center to the boundary. A rain bird pop-up irrigation system has been installed, which takes 40 minutes to irrigate the whole ground.
The well water is of high quality with no excessive salt content. The outfield has been planted with hybrid Bermuda. There is still another soil topdressing to be applied before the outfield will be smooth enough for play.
Prospects for sporting pitches
There will be a need to learn how to manage the cricket pitch with a high content of black soil. I recommend maintaining a consistently high moisture content in the black soil and never allowing it to dry out and crack. Develop density in the soil with pre-season type rolling using the heaviest roller available.
The black soil can produce excellent pitches if managed properly and very poor pitches if managed wrongly.
Limitations on producing a quality outfield
Hybrid Bermuda is normally a very vigorous growing grass that produces thatch very quickly. The outfield soil appears to supply very little nitrogen to the turf, resulting in weak growth. I recommend following the minimum nitrogen fertilizer programme suggested for all grounds. Experience will show whether this is too little or too much nitrogen fertilizer. Be prepared to apply twice the number of fertilizer applications recommended in the fertilizer programme if growth is inadequate.
If urea is applied through the irrigation system, split each application into two half applications applied three weeks apart. Little and often is best with nitrogen fertilizers.
Equipment limitations
I endorse Anand Shukla's recommendation to purchase:
i) Toro 1000mower with a dethatching reel for mowing the cricket block
ii) Scarifier for block and outfield
iii) Match saver cover
The scarifier will be needed because the hybrid Bermuda outfield is likely to quickly become thatchy.
In addition I recommend purchasing new petrol-powered walk behind mowers for the outfield to bring the number of outfield mowing units up to three.
I would like to see the BCCI roller modified so a heavier roller is available if necessary. The Association's plan to purchase a 1 tonne power driven single drum roller is endorsed.
Organisation limitations to producing a high quality cricket venue
There appears to be good relations between the VCA and the Municipal Government. The VCA appear to understand the importance of valuing the skills of an experienced curator.
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