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   What they said...

   June 26, 2003 23:25   Quotes  

Some memorable quotes after India won the World Cup.

'I didn't know there were so many Indians in London, mate, until they won this bleedin' cricket match'
- A London fruit seller

Sir Gary Sobers 'Not today, this is India's day'
- Sir Gary Sobers, when asked for an autograph

'Simply unbelievable'
- Bishen Bedi

Mrs Indira Gandhi 'My slogan is: "Indians can do it" '.
- Mrs Indira Gandhi

'Simply thousands of miles away you could almost smell the joyful whiff of November 5 cordite, mixed in the sultry scents of jasmine, frangipani, cowdung smoke and curry'.
- Frank Keating of The Guardian

'A feat which will rank among the finest achievements of the country'.
- Editorial in The Telegraphy, a Calcutta daily

Asif Iqbal 'I have had to eat some of my own words, but what a delight it has been to do so'.
- Asif Iqbal

'The shock will do us all good'
- Mathew Engel of The Guardian

'We are still down to earth'
- Roger Binny

'We are being treated like gods'
- Mohinder Amarnath

'Luck played a great part'
- Kapil Dev

'The greatest day since Independence'
- An Indian

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