1. Dick Fuld About Dick Fuld, the Conde Nast Portfolio said that "it's one thing to oversee the collapse of one of the Wall Street's most esteemed firms. But when your hubris triggers a national financial panic as well, you're a shoo-in for our top prize."
As chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, he ignored warnings from experts on several issues. He refused to talk to buyers and finally the company had to declare bankruptcy. Fuld earned about $45 million in 2007.
Dick Fuld joined Lehman Brothers in 1969 after giving up his career as an US Air Force pilot. He turned around the fortunes of the company after he took over but soon risky mortgages backfired.
From the years 1993 to 2007, he is said to have received nearly half a billion dollars in total compensation. CNN named Fuld as one of the 'Ten Most Wanted: Culprits of the Collapse'.