For Bill Gates, India is a must-visit place. In his words, "a place that is valuable to me for both business and personal reasons".
Besides being an important market for the software giant, Gates is besotted by the immense talent in India. India is also an ideal base for his magnanimous philanthropic activities.
Microsoft India is the fastest growing subsidiary for Microsoft and Gates sees huge potential in India.
"In countries like India, where you have so much talent and potential for future breakthroughs, economic growth will be driven by jobs and revenue from companies that are building businesses around commercial software. Microsoft's role is to make sure that our partners have the best tools and knowledge to make this happen," Gates said during his 2005 visit.
Image: Microsoft Corp Chairman Bill Gates is received by an activist of the Naaz Foundation, an NGO working in the field of HIV/AIDS in New Delhi, India. | Photograph: Sondeep Shankar/Getty Images
Also read: Gates: Great to be an underdog