Vishwajeet Parashar

Stories by Vishwajeet Parashar

Do STPs give better returns than SIPs?

Do STPs give better returns than SIPs?   21 Jan 2017

Returns in Systematic Transfer Plan are consistent as money invested in debt mutual fund schemes earns interest till the time the whole amount is fully transferred to equity fund, says Vishwajeet Parashar, Sr VP and Group Head -- Marketing, Bajaj Capital

EMIs vs SIPs: How should you pay for your purchase?

EMIs vs SIPs: How should you pay for your purchase?   14 Dec 2016

Even if you get a bit late in buying things you need, it is always better to avoid debt traps, advises Vishwajeet parashar

A simple solution for all your money dreams!

A simple solution for all your money dreams!   25 Oct 2016

Systematic investment plans can be the best way to achieve your financial goals if started early, says Vishwajeet Parashar is the Senior Vice President and Group Head -- Marketing, Bajaj Capital.