Sonali Ranade

Stories by Sonali Ranade

Did the liberals lose the elections?

Did the liberals lose the elections?   31 May 2019

'No, the liberals haven't lost because there weren't any liberals in the fray to begin with.' 'What has happened is that left-wing orthodoxy has lost to right-wing orthodoxy.' 'That is at best a Pyrrhic victory for India,' argue Sonali Ranade and Sheilja Sharma.

Considerable churn in US and European stock markets

Considerable churn in US and European stock markets   22 Jan 2014

In India, however, the Nifty continues to climb a wall of worry as general elections loom, fiscal deficit surges and the current account deficit is barely under control following subdued gold and crude prices, says Sonali Ranade.

Market Notes: Is it really time to buy commodities?

Market Notes: Is it really time to buy commodities?   20 Jan 2014

Waiting for capitulation in commodity markets is the better route to profits, says Sonali Ranade.

There's nothing bearish about most equity markets

There's nothing bearish about most equity markets   13 Jan 2014

It is too early to say if we have seen the "final" bottom to these stocks in August 2013 or if another attempt to test them will be made before or just after elections, says Sonali Ranade.

MARKET NOTES: Commodities in early phase of recovery

MARKET NOTES: Commodities in early phase of recovery   7 Jan 2014

Where do the commodities market go in the new year? Sonali Ranade offers an insight.

Weak yen will continue to drive currency markets

Weak yen will continue to drive currency markets   6 Jan 2014

A lot will depend on how the equity markets in the US play out in April-May this year. A correction there, long overdue, could change all the variables in the current equations, says Sonali Ranade

Market Notes: Gold waits for capitulation

Market Notes: Gold waits for capitulation   16 Dec 2013

Once the US dollar launches into its final bull leg from the 79 region towards 84, the appreciating currency should put a lot of pressure on commodities that will perhaps trigger the capitulation that the market needs in commodities liker gold, silver and WTI crude, says Sonali Ranade.