Somasekhar Sundaresan

Stories by Somasekhar Sundaresan

How to remove Delhi's smog

How to remove Delhi's smog   18 Nov 2019

'It is time to think up a policy of incentivising farmers in the states around Delhi.' 'Let's say a farmer is given an incentive for not burning his crop stubble and instead handing over the task of incinerating the crop stubble to a State-run-or-funded community initiative.' 'The incentive can take the form of, say, fertilisers, or even direct cash transfers,' recommends Somasekhar Sundaresan.

Whistleblowing and handling whistleblowers is tricky

Whistleblowing and handling whistleblowers is tricky   5 Nov 2019

'Handled poorly, it could either lead to a witch-hunt in organisations that is fertile soil for yes-men; or lead to even bona fide decisions and entire organisational systems being held to ransom,' says Somasekhar Sundaresan.

Two major tasks for Sitharaman

Two major tasks for Sitharaman   13 Jun 2019

First, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, much-lauded as a game changer, needs serious reform. Second, some vital policy choices would need to be made as far as competition law is concerned., says Somasekhar Sundaresan.

When perception matters more than evidence

When perception matters more than evidence   8 Nov 2017

When a crime is committed, everyone seems to have a view on who has done wrong, and regardless of judicial outcome through due process of law, theories of how justice was done or not done mushroom

Why resorting to insolvency courts is not the best solution

Why resorting to insolvency courts is not the best solution   9 Aug 2017

The new Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code has serious drawbacks, finds out Somasekhar Sundaresan.

Why resorting to insolvency courts is not the best solution

Why resorting to insolvency courts is not the best solution   9 Aug 2017

The new Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code has serious drawbacks, finds out Somasekhar Sundaresan.

What would happen if 'Kashmir's law' was applied to India Inc

What would happen if 'Kashmir's law' was applied to India Inc   28 Apr 2017

When powers vested by the Finance Bill 2017 begin to get mildly used, fellow Indians living in the corporate bubble will get a faint whiff of what life can be like when you run a grocery store in the streets of Kashmir or the North East.

What Modi learned from Indira Gandhi

What Modi learned from Indira Gandhi   1 Apr 2017

'The choice of chief minister after the win is a pointer to what issues really mattered at the polls.' 'Perhaps, demonetisation was an electoral side issue -- a reflection of the disconnect between commentators in the cities and the realities on the ground,' says Somasekhar Sundaresan.

Should Aadhaar card be linked with midday meal?

Should Aadhaar card be linked with midday meal?   17 Mar 2017

Corruption in the scheme may have nothing to do with fake children being shown to siphon out money, says Somasekhar Sundaresan.

4 big challenges the new Sebi chief faces

4 big challenges the new Sebi chief faces   3 Mar 2017

Within Sebi, the chairman should hold an umbrella for both young and old employees, says Somasekhar Sundaresan.

Baba Ramdev, Sri Sri and India's skewed corporate laws

Baba Ramdev, Sri Sri and India's skewed corporate laws   12 Apr 2016

The strategies that the gurus adopted to build their successful business empires over the past two decades could hardly be adopted by businesses that openly claim to be businesses, points out Somasekhar Sundaresan.

Why India has failed to deal with bad loans

Why India has failed to deal with bad loans   29 Mar 2016

The problem of stressed assets needs to be addressed with effective recovery.

In India, exactly who benefits from government 'dole'?

In India, exactly who benefits from government 'dole'?   15 Mar 2016

'According to the government's Economic Survey, the Indian state's generosity is not restricted to its poorest citizens. In fact, in many cases, the beneficiaries are disproportionately the well-off.'

Few factors Jaitley must consider before presenting the Budget

Few factors Jaitley must consider before presenting the Budget   16 Feb 2015

India Inc has high hopes from the upcoming Budget.

What to learn and unlearn from the US

What to learn and unlearn from the US   26 Jan 2015

Prior public consultations when making regulations is a critical feature

The govt must relook at M&A rules for investor-friendly deals

The govt must relook at M&A rules for investor-friendly deals   18 Aug 2014

For deals to be investor-friendly in India, review of merger and acquisition law is a prerequisite.