Shubha Singh

Stories by Shubha Singh

How Israeli embassy had a plane full of supplies to Nepal ready in 12 hrs

How Israeli embassy had a plane full of supplies to Nepal ready in 12 hrs   8 May 2015

Israel, which was among the first responders in providing assistance to Nepal after the earthquake, had its entire embassy staff in Delhi work with military precision to rush relief. Shubha Singh reports

Why Modi's visit to Fiji Islands is timely

Why Modi's visit to Fiji Islands is timely   18 Nov 2014

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who will be the second Indian prime minister to visit Fiji after Indira Gandhi, comes at a time when the islands are moving to consolidate the new democratic system

How the Indian vote matters in South Africa

How the Indian vote matters in South Africa   5 May 2014

South Africa is heading for polls on May 7. Shubha Singh examines how the Indian vote can make a difference in Durban

Why the Japanese Emperor's India trip is significant

Why the Japanese Emperor's India trip is significant   27 Nov 2013

Japanese Emperor Akihito and his wife Empress Michiko'six-day on Saturday to India is expected to be defining moment in India-Japan relations.

Nepal gets another chance at electing constituent assembly

Nepal gets another chance at electing constituent assembly   18 Nov 2013

The main contest is likely to be between the Maoists and the Nepali Congress, but neither of the parties have retained the support they had in 2008. Shubha Singh reports