Shekar Gupta

Stories by Shekar Gupta

Modi's breakout from the past

Modi's breakout from the past   14 Sep 2016

Modi has debunked the uncontested wisdom of foreign and strategic policy remaining unchanged and running on a broad national consensus. This is clearly seen in his unhesitating embrace of the US and the clear hardening shift in India's stance on Pakistan, says Shekhar Gupta.

Why Modi's Cabinet needs talent from the outside

Why Modi's Cabinet needs talent from the outside   12 Jul 2016

Modi has the ideas for a new, hopeful India, and an idiom in which to sell optimism to voters. But he doesn't yet have the team for it, and soon enough, questions will begin to be asked by an impatient, non-ideological, I-don't-owe-anybody-anything generation of Indian voters, says Shekar Gupta.