Sanjana Ray

Stories by Sanjana Ray

Health in shambles? This could be the reason

Health in shambles? This could be the reason   21 Jul 2017

A sedentary lifestyle can strain your metabolism, where you end up burning only one calorie per minute!

How Tim Cook, Steve Jobs respond to cold e-mails

How Tim Cook, Steve Jobs respond to cold e-mails   4 Jul 2017

Find out what Steve Jobs, Tim Cook and Deep Kalra did when they received angry, negative feedback from customers.

Firing your buddy? Remember company first, friendship later

Firing your buddy? Remember company first, friendship later   5 Jun 2017

It is important to establish a professional boundary with your friend at work.

How to deal with lazy coworkers

How to deal with lazy coworkers   28 Apr 2017

Choose conversing over confronting.

5 mistakes you're making on LinkedIn

5 mistakes you're making on LinkedIn   21 Dec 2016

Nobody will be willing to connect with someone who has a blank picture on your profile.

How to write a bestseller: Tips from Agatha Christie

How to write a bestseller: Tips from Agatha Christie   21 Sep 2016

Christie often stated that she would plan out the murder or event first and then set the introduction, background and resolution following it.

6 things we say to our bosses (and what we really mean)

6 things we say to our bosses (and what we really mean)   8 Aug 2016

It's okay to sprout some lies and tell people what they want to hear.