Ramesh Ramachandran

All stories by Ramesh Ramachandran

Will Modi break from the past and swing by Kabul?

Will Modi break from the past and swing by Kabul?

Rediff.com7 Jul 2014

Security will be a consideration, as would protocol, but given Modi's penchant for the unconventional, it should not come as a surprise if he indeed decides to attend the ceremony in Kabul, says Ramesh Ramachandran.

Time for reshaping India's neighbourhood policy

Time for reshaping India's neighbourhood policy

Rediff.com28 Mar 2014

Abstaining from voting on a UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka was dictated as much by necessity and self-preservation as by a desire to place bilateralism at the front and centre of New Delhi's ties with Colombo, says Ramesh Ramachandran.

The Indian Spring: Lessons for the world

The Indian Spring: Lessons for the world

Rediff.com30 Dec 2013

The Indian Spring represented by Anna Hazare's anti-corruption campaign, which has culminated in the Aam Aadmi Party's impressive electoral debut in New Delhi, began around the same time as the Arab Spring in 2011 but they led to different outcomes in India and the Arab world, says Ramesh Ramachandran.