In barter, you have the choice of picking up a product that's available with the barter company in exchange for the stuff you want to discard.
Indian seniors face loneliness in their sunset years. And many companies have kicked in to provide various kinds of options for India's elderly. The elderly can now pay and enjoy a variety of services in the comfort of their own homes
If you plan to take an auto loan, Priyadarshini Maji lists 5 points you need to consider.
Travel insurance policies do not generally cover adventurous or sporting activities such as bungee jumping, paragliding, mountain climbing, or white water rafting, which fall under hazardous activities.
Today pay-later services are available for practically anything under the sun. And these include small purchases like clothes, gadgets, movie tickets, and even food.
The destinations have a lot to offer in terms of adventure, culture and entertainment.
Goals like buying a car or travelling abroad are short-term goals whereas purchasing a house or retirement planning are medium and long-term goals.
If you use customised cards that suit your lifestyle needs, you could also end up availing of a variety of deals, rewards, and discounts.
Whether it is for disaster relief or a personal cause, some online platforms help you raise funds for a fee.
Since NPS is used for a long-term goal like retirement, allowing younger investors to have higher exposure to equities will give them a chance to earn higher returns.
The devastation caused by the current deluge has damaged hundreds and thousands of homes and vehicles.
Insurers say they will have to study the available data to work out by how much premiums will have to go up to be able to cover mental illnesses as well
Given that medical inflation is estimated at 15% to 20%, a no-claim bonus can provide added benefit
Many millennials believe that they have enough time to plan for long-term goals, hence they do not worry about goals such as retirement.
Agents often influence customers into buying new products every year instead of continuing with their existing policies
Private equity investing can be rewarding, but an investor needs to be patient as exiting can be tricky and these assets do not provide instant liquidity.
The bank can declare a withdrawal by you as illegal and deny any remedy in case a problem arises.
Buy comprehensive motor insurance policy to guard against natural calamities.
Parts of electric cars are costlier and repairing often means replacing an entire system, which drives insurance premium rates up.
Lending on peer-to-peer platforms is fraught with higher risks but investors can earn as much as 12% to 36%.