Is Bill Gates A Hero Or Villain?

Is Bill Gates A Hero Or Villain?   5 Oct 2024

There is no shortage of books on the Microsoft founder, but this latest one is different in that it paints Mr Gates in shades of grey, leaving it to readers to make their own judgement about the man

Gen AI Governance Is A Global Challenge

Gen AI Governance Is A Global Challenge   14 Nov 2023

What all global leaders need to understand is that no Generative AI regulation will work unless they start with the basics, which is data collection, asserts Prosenjit Datta.

Safety Isn't A High Priority In India

Safety Isn't A High Priority In India   16 Jun 2023

Despite the hope that lessons will be learnt, the next accident invariably shows that nothing has been learnt -- or if learnt, they have been ignored, observes Prosenjit Datta.

COVID-19: Mistakes World Must Avoid

COVID-19: Mistakes World Must Avoid   14 Jan 2022

If the pandemic persists, at least a portion of the blame should go to greed and nationalism that got in the way of the world acting together, notes Prosenjit Datta.

Zee: Whose company is it anyway?

Zee: Whose company is it anyway?   12 Oct 2021

The Zee saga will see a long-drawn-out court battle before shareholders get any chance to vote on any proposal by the management or Invesco, says Prosenjit Datta.

The Costs of Not Vaccinating Everyone

The Costs of Not Vaccinating Everyone   9 May 2021

The cost of not vaccinating the entire population quickly will be far higher than bearing the entire cost of vaccination, points out Prosenjit Datta.

The Real Cost of Vaccinating Everyone

The Real Cost of Vaccinating Everyone   26 Apr 2021

The Union government's role and the prices announced by the vaccine makers raises far too many disquieting questions, observes Prosenjit Datta.

The Mystery of Covishield Pricing

The Mystery of Covishield Pricing   22 Apr 2021

The economics and pricing of the Covishield vaccines and the government's own decision to pay higher prices raise more than a few questions, observes Prosenjit Datta.

How not to be a shoddy manufacturing nation

How not to be a shoddy manufacturing nation   10 Dec 2020

If India wants to become a globally competitive manufacturing hub, it will have to rethink the notion that the traditional SMEs will form the manufacturing backbone, argues Prosenjit Datta.

As trouble brews for the Big 4, VCs, start-ups wait with bated breath

As trouble brews for the Big 4, VCs, start-ups wait with bated breath   10 Nov 2020

Amazon, Google, Apple and Facebook are both a boon and a bane for angel investors, VCs as well as start-ups. If the Big Tech companies get broken up and their powers to acquire get significantly curbed therefore, the whole ecosystem will need to change, says Prosenjit Datta.

Covid-19 could be the boost Indian pharma cos need

Covid-19 could be the boost Indian pharma cos need   20 Sep 2020

The western world had largely considered India to be a production hub, and also, a good potential geography for clinical trials, and a big market. But in Covid-19 research, Indian companies and government researchers are also researching new drug candidates and potential vaccines, says Prosenjit Datta.

Should Big Tech be broken up?

Should Big Tech be broken up?   16 Aug 2020

Are the big five using their dominance to shut out rivals? That is the key question, says Prosenjit Datta.

How Big Tech failed us in coronavirus pandemic

How Big Tech failed us in coronavirus pandemic   27 Jun 2020

None of the Big Tech companies or tycoons appears to be playing a meaningful role in the testing, spread, cure, or eradication of the virus or even in contact tracing so far, says Prosenjit Datta.