Naushad Forbes

Stories by Naushad Forbes

How We Can Create Millions Of Jobs

How We Can Create Millions Of Jobs   23 Aug 2024

'Three manufacturing sectors can create jobs by the million: Apparel, food, and electronic assembly.' 'Let's talk to them and ask them what it would take to scale by a factor of ten,' suggests Naushad Forbes.

Narayana Murthy Is Absolutely Right!

Narayana Murthy Is Absolutely Right!   4 Dec 2023

Get more people working, get more people working in modern manufacturing and services in our cities, and get people working better and longer, suggests Naushad Forbes, past president, CII.

Where's The Economy Headed In 2023?

Where's The Economy Headed In 2023?   2 Jan 2023

'The pipeline of new industrial projects is the best I've seen in the last 10 years, and it looks solid enough to sustain for at least a few quarters,' points out Naushad Forbes, adding, 'It is only when we get back to the same labour force participation we saw before Covid that the economy will have truly recovered.'

Rahul Bajaj, World's Favourite Indian

Rahul Bajaj, World's Favourite Indian   12 Apr 2022

'Rahul inspired Indian industry with an ethos, an ethos of being more confident, more independent, more thorough, more competitive, more generous, more public-spirited, and more national and more international all at once,' remembers Naushad Forbes.

India MUST Vaccinate Like Mad!

India MUST Vaccinate Like Mad!   31 Aug 2021

It is our only chance of avoiding a repeat of our catastrophic second wave, asserts Naushad Forbes.

We are safe only when everyone is safe

We are safe only when everyone is safe   7 Jul 2021

So vaccinate employees and families, staff at home, rickshaw drivers, milkmen, service providers, shopkeepers and street vendors, says Naushad Forbes.

Leaders must lead, not go missing

Leaders must lead, not go missing   27 May 2021

Our government has failed the country on several counts. All this must change for India to redeem itself in six months, says Naushad Forbes.

India must order 1.7 billion vaccines

India must order 1.7 billion vaccines   23 Apr 2021

Winning against Covid means thinking ahead, at least six months, putting in place the likely scenarios of what might happen, and then planning. Planning is the role of the government. Having planned, it should communicate what and why. Then, get out of the way, recommends Naushad Forbes.

How to win the race against the virus

How to win the race against the virus   1 Apr 2021

The Johnson and Johnson and Sputnik vaccines should be approved now, as should the Pfizer and Moderna ones, suggests Naushad Forbes. Leave it to the companies to figure out how to put in place the right chilling infrastructure. Don't let a lack of approvals deprive the country of availability, suggests Naushad Forbes.

We must vaccinate 140 million people a month!

We must vaccinate 140 million people a month!   26 Feb 2021

At 8 million a month, times two doses, it will take us 17 years to administer the vaccine to our 800 million adults. The rollout must speed up twenty times, asserts Naushad Forbes.

Control Covid for economy to recover!

Control Covid for economy to recover!   15 Oct 2020

Unless we control the coronavirus, we are going to struggle to get our economy and country back on track. The spectre of the virus haunts recovery, warns Naushad Forbes.

How India can be truly Atma Nirbhar

How India can be truly Atma Nirbhar   20 Jul 2020

'India's future: To manufacture so efficiently that we do not need protection,' says Naushad Forbes.

'Henceforth, no Indian should fear the taxman'

'Henceforth, no Indian should fear the taxman'   31 Dec 2019

'We have set out a timetable to reduce income tax rates for all incomes below Rs 50 lakh, and to progressively eliminate the surcharges on income above Rs 50 lakh, by 2024.' The Budget speech past CII president Naushad Forbes wants to hear.

High Onion Prices? Modi must do nothing!

High Onion Prices? Modi must do nothing!   5 Nov 2019

'Let the high price of onions clear the market, matching supply with demand.' 'Let onion growers keep exporting -- we are the world's largest onion exporter, export 10% of our production,' advises Naushad Forbes.