While you cannot avoid the delay in payments from your customers, you must come up with new ideas on building your internal cashflow system to ensure that the cash crunch within the organisation is minimal, suggests Naval Goel.
Communicate your every step towards the betterment of their future. If the initial hand-holding will be done right, they will understand and respect your decision of helping them, says Naval Goel.
With a strong plan in mind, Public Provident Fund can become an important and strong part of your investment, says Naval Goel.
The right investment at the right age will help you enjoy a secured post retirement life.
While investing in mutual funds, it is essential that you focus on the turnover rate percentage of a mutual fund, which is bought and sold every year.
People who have no access to or do not trust the financial system are the only ones for whom investing in gold makes sense, says Naval Goel.
Keeping patience while making a financial decision is one thing millennials need to learn, says Naval Goel.
While investing in an effective health insurance plan, it is important to keep today's cost in the mind.
Did you know that women can avail for a loan of upto Rs 20 crores to set up a manufacturing business?
Did you know that you can get a tax benefit of up to Rs 50,000 under a health insurance policy?
Takes care of expensive medical treatment at affordable cost even as you get quality treatment and tax benefit out of it, says Naval Goel
The sooner you create a plan and put it into action, the better the chance of your early retirement dream becoming a reality, says Naval Goel
Naval Goel of PolicyX answers some important questions before buying insurance policies
What approach should you take when you decide your life insurance policy?
There can be many reasons for doing this; Naval Goel explains the entire process in seven simple steps
Help yourself and your family financially by not falling prey to these, says Naval Goel
Naval Goel explains all that you wanted to know about life insurance but didn't know who to ask
Are all the benefits of group life insurance for real? Naval Goel finds out
Well, there are five good reasons why you must!
Naval Goes demystifies an important insurance jargon and explains its pros and cons