Mukesh Kumar

Stories by Mukesh Kumar

Why it makes sense to buy two-wheeler insurance

Why it makes sense to buy two-wheeler insurance   27 Oct 2016

Mukesh Kumar, Executive Director, HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited, talks about the many benefits of buying one

4 reasons why your insurance was REJECTED!

4 reasons why your insurance was REJECTED!   2 Oct 2016

Here's how you can avoid these claim rejections, says Mukesh Kumar, Executive Director, HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company

3 reasons why the young must buy health insurance

3 reasons why the young must buy health insurance   30 Sep 2016

Irrespective of your age and how good your health has been, the right time to get a health insurance is NOW, says Mukesh Kumar, Executive Director, HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company

Why you must buy a personal accident insurance policy

Why you must buy a personal accident insurance policy   6 Jun 2016

This insurance policy covers permanent total disablement, permanent partial disablement, temporary total disablement, accidental death and double indemnity for permanent total disability and accidental death

When not to claim your motor insurance

When not to claim your motor insurance   4 Jun 2016

Mukesh Kumar, Executive Director HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company, tells you how you can benefit by doing so

A critical illness cover is also for Millennials

A critical illness cover is also for Millennials   14 May 2016

Most Millennials do not realise the importance of having a critical illness insurance policy till they find themselves or their near ones in circumstances where they need it. A little extra caution -- by way of critical illness insurance -- can save the young professionals from a large hole in the pocket in the time of accumulation of wealth.

Understanding 'waiting period' in health insurance

Understanding 'waiting period' in health insurance   13 May 2016

Health insurers incorporate conditions like Waiting Period in their offerings to prevent customers from taking undue advantage of a service that is essential.

Want to avoid insurance claim rejection?

Want to avoid insurance claim rejection?   12 May 2016

Then don't just sign the form and expect the insurance agent to do the rest. That can prove costly.

Vacationing abroad with family? Consider travel insurance

Vacationing abroad with family? Consider travel insurance   1 May 2016

It is one piece of document that you should have alongside your travel tickets.

The many benefits of motor insurance

The many benefits of motor insurance   27 Apr 2016

Any unexpected expense can disturb the finely-balanced budget of middle-class individual. That's when a motor insurance policy comes as a saviour