Mohana Nair

Stories by Mohana Nair

7 reasons why women make better entrepreneurs

7 reasons why women make better entrepreneurs   26 Jun 2019

Women entrepreneurs view the world through different lenses, hence, execute things differently, says Mohana Nair.

7 tips to be a successful mompreneur

7 tips to be a successful mompreneur   2 Apr 2019

Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Take help from kids, your spouse.

How can we make workplaces safe for women?

How can we make workplaces safe for women?   27 Dec 2018

The members of the Internal Complaints Committee should be empowered to take independent action without any pressure from the management.

Are you aware of your workplace rights?

Are you aware of your workplace rights?   23 Oct 2018

Did you know that employers have to pay equal remuneration to its male and female employees who are carrying out the same or similar work?